08 January 2006


I understand it's a lovely city. I have nothing against the place. I don't even have anything against the institution.

But this movie, Annapolis? All right, I didn't go to the Air Force Academy. Or to West Point. And I routinely make fun of my colleagues who did. But this ridiculous advertising campaign, calling Annapolis the hardest military academy in the country? Are you F'ing kidding me? Who the hell made that determination? Hollywood? Bite my shiny metal ass, that's what I'd say about that. If I was a robot.
Yeah. Not gonna see that movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bite my shiny metal ass. See this is why I love reading this blog, statements like that will set the tone for the rest of the day.

Oh yeah, and see Kong.

Decaying civil liberties, I'll have to post something on that one as well. We'll see if I can stay coherent.