I must thank SmittyDad, who came down on Monday and stayed until Tuesday, painted most of the kitchen himself Monday night, and without whom I'd still be painting today (if not tomorrow as well).
That out of the way, follow the jump for (at long last) the AFTER photos!
Well, the painting well pretty well. What with Dad's work on the walls Monday evening, we were finished with both ceiling and walls by 10 Tuesday morning and cleaning up. Looks nice if I do say so myself but I'll let you judge.
Amazing, huh? Ten days ago we had a fully functioning kitchen and a livable if messy house. Now we have a fully functioning kitchen and a completely trashed house. You wouldn't think I'd be happy about that.
But I am. Because as you see here, we at last have a real kitchen!

And check out the handiwork up above. Remember how crappy this looked before? Couple coats of flat ceiling paint and that looks pretty sweet, eh?

This is the fridge corner. Remember how much wasted space there used to be next to the fridge? Two feet or more, right? Now it's about 11 inches, just room enough for a step-stool, or a 10.2" cabinet from Wal-Mart, or something.

I like this one. This is the bakers rack we bought to replace the crappy old shelving. I guess I should stop saying it's crappy since we want to sell the shelves... actually we're going to give them away.

But where will the food that used to be on the shelves go? Well, we're going to be moving in a small stand-alone pantry with a couple shelves in it for some things. But check this out. You know how there was that useless corner cabinet beside the stove I complained about earlier?

So there you have it! We'll be making other changes as time goes on, and of course I have this week to move things around and make the house truly livable again so we can move back in this weekend. We bought all sorts of organization things to increase storage space in the kitchen, so hopefully there won't be junk lying around all the time. And I haven't even shown you the brand-new door we made for the laundry area! Yep, all kinds of cool things to see and do here in Smitty's World. If you feel like stopping by, the weather's pretty nice in Tampa in the winter...
That looks awesome man. I like the new color and the cabinets. I think that's like the baker's rack I have. I know the two of you are loving the improvements. Hopefully all the cleaning up will be done shortly.
A good dishwasher is a joy forever.
Smitty , nice Kitchen! Much nicer than the one you had in Djibouti. Yes, Tampa is a great place in the winter so you may get a phonecall in a few months. Hope everything is going well.
Excellent looking kitchen! Mighty impressive. Whatever higher home renovation powers you beseached, they appear to have smiled favorably.
I like keeping Christmas dishes and other holiday china in my above-the-fridge cabinets =)
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