13 February 2010


It snowed yesterday at the farm. It's almost all melted now, but that's what makes snow around here so nice. It never wears out its welcome. So here are some pictures of Smitty's Farm in the snow.

My little airplane windvane just as the snow was starting, and then this morning after three inches.

The first picture I took this morning; the sun hadn't yet burned off the mist. Snow is terrifically quiet.

Vixen does not like snow. She followed me around all morning meowing at me to make it go away.

Witch Hazels are fun because they don't bloom until winter, so you get these crazy blossoms in the snow.

Bobbie Cat spies her own shadow. She's no groundhog; she looks somewhat surprised to see it.

I did not let the chickens out to romp in the snow, but their coop was almost photogenic with a light dusting against a bright blue sky.

Roswell is a funny-looking cat under any circumstances, but she really had some trouble walking in the snow with any amount of grace.

This is Raggety Cat, posed so sweetly in the black willow, where she spent several minutes knocking clumps of snow out of the branches and watching them fall. They always seemed to get the slip on her.

Nitro has never seen or even imagined snow before, but he seemed quite satisified with it. Until his paws got chilly.

Entitled "Still Life with Barney." Barney is the neighbors' hound dog.

Mama Cita, of course, has seen all this before, and is not impressed.

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