22 August 2007

Ding, Dong, the Air... Wait, that Doesn't Rhyme

It's honestly hard to believe. It hasn't sunk in yet, or, maybe, it's just that I've been waiting so long that it's a bit anticlimactic. In any event, it's happened. The big one.

Smitty's paperwork got signed! Finally! I may actually be out of the Air Force by the end of the month! Huzzah! I'm going to throw a party! I just don't know when exactly. But soon, I promise!


The Former Lepidopterist said...

I just wanted to be the first to say...


Anonymous said...

Congrats brother. I am really happy for you. So what does this mean for you in school?

Anonymous said...

Hey, congratulations! And only months and months behind schedule. I hope you and Sarah are celebrating like crazy!

Rambling Speech said...

it won't sink in until you don't go back for a week. In this case, that's a blessing.

Here comes the next step. What an adventure lies before you-- go Smitty!

Tina said...

Awesome news! And did I hear you say "Party"???? You've got Tampa lurkers out here who might just come out of lurke mode for a party. **grin**