12 November 2005

Notes on a Saturday

1. Go Clemson!

2. The people who answer the phones at the Tampa Police Department do not know the names of the city's parks. This is pretty bad. I was at Julian B. Lane Riverfront Park this morning, where I had put in my kayak for a wonderful morning paddling around downtown and in the harbor area. When I came back to the park I found the gate to the (from?) the docks was locked and I couldn't get back to my car. I had my cell phone, so I called the TPD figuring they were the most likely city agency to answer the phones on a Saturday morning. When I said I was at Julian B. Lane Riverfront Park, they told me I wasn't in the city. I was in the county.
Lane Park is in downtown, next door to Tampa Prep and right across the river from my house. It is most certainly in downtown. But they were convinced that Julian Lane park was somewhere out yonder in the county. Now, Lane Park is in a bad part of town. So if you're ever in Lane Park and are in trouble and call the cops, don't expect anything to happen. They don't seem to know where you are.

3. Newsweek has a new poll that, like most other polls, shows extremely low approval ratings for Bush. Newsweek also says, "But that’s not the worst of it for the 43rd president of the United States, a leader who rode comfortably to reelection just a year ago. Half of all Americans now believe he’s not 'honest and ethical.'"
That's what Newsweek says. Smitty says, "Half of all Americans have finally realized that he's not 'honest and ethical.'"
The thing about snow jobs is, snow melts.

And now I'm off on another adventure.

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