18 August 2006

The Beautiful View

A while back I tried to upload a picture of the beautiful view from the front door of my tent, but for whatever reason it wouldn't take. Ha ha, tonight it took! So here is a picture of... well, of the beautiful view from the front door of my tent. Keen observers will note another new picture on the blog, more in keeping with my new "view."

In defense of this location I'd like to point out that there are in fact a few points on the camp from which I can get a view of the surrounding landscape considerably more interesting than this one. At some point I hope to take such a picture, but it requires being out and about at dawn or dusk and that almost never happens. But eventually, dear readers, eventually...


Ayzair said...

Aaagh! Kill the yellow, kill the yellow! My eyes!!!

Anyway, your view is even better than mine of the seven lane highway 50 feet from my front door.

Anonymous said...

Funny, they actually try to sell that as an amenity here in Atlanta. Guess it is kinda like watching NASCAR just waiting to see a wreck.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I liked the yellow... oh well.