On Saturday apparently somebody at the Times bought a new toy. What the toy is I have no idea but I've had friends purchase similar things before... they'll know what I'm talking about. It sits up in a high corner, possibly on top of a tall cabinet or something.
It has a blue light on it.

The light does not look that bright in this picture in part because it is daytime. But I was up last night at 3 and I came out into the living room, where the shade is up all night, and I saw that I was in fact casting a shadow against the front door--and the shadow was in a pool of blue light. When I went back into the bedroom I saw that the blue light is in fact visible through our blinds--and our blinds are no slouches at blocking light, especially when you consider how much light is out there in downtown needing to be blocked. I could almost--not quite, but almost--read by the ambient light of downtown last night in the living room without turning on a single light.

Why was I up last night at 3? Good question. Smittygirl will tell you that I am stressed about an upcoming exercise at work (and I don't mean pushups and situps), and she is almost certainly correct, as usual. But I am chalking at least part of it up to the nefarious effect of the Great Blue Eye. It has a way of capturing my attention when I'm not expecting it. It is always there, all day and all night, and it sees into every part of my house (except parts of the kitchen, and of course the bathrooms and closet). I don't know what it is, or why it is there. But it lurks. It sees. It searches.