22 June 2005

Bad news for Maddox

This is becoming the pre-eminent anti-Scott Maddox blog. Yaay me! I still maintain that I have nothing against the man personally, but in light of this latest revelation about the financial status of the Democratic Party when he left it, I wonder how he can continue running for governor as if nothing were wrong.

Basically, the federal government today put a lien on the state Democratic Party to the tune of $200,000. That's the value of unpaid federal taxes plus employee back pay. And, party financial records show almost $1 million in missing and unaccounted-for funding. The federal lien relates to financial dalliances in 2003 and 2004, the precise period of time when Maddox was running the party.

So, the guy took over a party that had been out of power in the state for just under a decade, had trouble raising funds, and needed a steady hand to turn things around. He left the party unable to pay its bills, a couple hundred grand in debt, guilty of not paying pay federal taxes or its own employees, and still without any actual electoral succes to speak of. Now he thinks he's qualified to run for governor?

Actually, in Florida, he pretty much is. But that's still no excuse.

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