02 March 2005

Utter disaster

Casual readers of this blog will little grasp the importance of the following email I received today, but then this post isn't really for casual readers. I sent an email to my functional at AFPC on Monday afternoon requesting release to pursue a legal education. The response follows:

Lt Smith,
I can't support release.

Maj Armstrong


Anonymous said...

I don't have much I can say, except that royally sucks. I suppose changing his mind is pretty much out of the question...

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry. Perhaps further elaboration will follow?

Anonymous said...

I thought I already said this was just the dick-factor working again. Maybe I said that about something else, or said it directly to you. If you ever get a reason, tell me about it. If not, then people are just dicks (which apparently most people there are, at least the guys who have already climbed the ladder). Remember, there's still the island get-away option, and hey, if you ever decide that's a good idea, I'm with you 100%, because honestly, people here are dicks too.

...Dick, by the way, is my new favorite word, because it seems to very aptly describe all these people around me (and around you, apparently). Although, I suppose I really should be more specific, and said they are all small and old and wrinkled dicks, because if I just said dicks, that could be interpreted as any number of things, and they might decide it meant large dicks, which they might take as a compliment...

Anonymous said...

That's just absurd! I'm so sorry, I was so excited for you.